Arrested for DUI in Oak Lawn? Turn to a professional who has handled hundreds of cases just like yours. As a former prosecutor and seasoned Driving Under the Influence (DUI) attorney, Daniel Calandriello will aggressively advocate for your rights in court. You need an attorney who knows DUI law.
Attorney Calandriello knows DUI Law!
We are here for you and ready to help. We provide professional services making sure our clients come first. We promise to work hard for you, always keep you informed and treat you in a professional manner throughout the way.
Every minute you wait will negatively affect your ability to get the best possible outcome. We know Driving Under the Influence (DUI) litigation in Oak Lawn. Your license is at stake. Your freedom is at stake. We know that and will fight for you.
Getting arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Oak Lawn is a serious offense. You can go to jail. You will lose your license unless you take action. The Law Office of Daniel Calandriello can fight for you to save your license and keep you out of jail. As a former prosecutor, Attorney Calandriello, will use his vast experience to aggressively fight for your rights. Just because the Oak Lawn Police Department arrested you does not mean you are guilty.
Attorney Daniel Calandriello has handled hundreds of DUI cases in court and thoroughly understands the ins and outs of complicated DUI laws. He can help you navigate the confusing legal process.
We will review your Oak Lawn Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge from top to bottom, leaving no stone unturned, so that you get the results you deserve. We will carefully comb through the video, audio, court file, and police report to determine exactly what occurred. Often, this process will uncover items that can lead to a successful outcome.
Speeding tickets in Oak Lawn are no joke in Illinois. Within the last few years, the laws regarding speeding tickets have changed, increasing penalties to include possible jail time for speeds in excess of 26 mph over the speed limit, even on the expressways. They can affect your license, your insurance rates, and even your freedom. Speeding tickets from the Oak Lawn Police Department are serious and you need an experienced lawyer to advise you about the consequences of the ticket especially on your driver’s license. If you are convicted of speeding, it will be reported to your insurance company and make no mistake about it – your insurance premiums will be affected. Multiple speeding tickets can suspend or revoke your driver’s license.
If you were involved in an accident and charged with Failure to Reduce Speed in Oak Lawn, those tickets can also affect your driver’s license and open yourself to personal liability. Don’t just mail the ticket in or plea guilty without the advice of legal counsel.
If you are a Commercial Drivers Licenses holder (CDL), most traffic tickets will have grave effect on your ability to work, even while driving your personal car in Oak Lawn. You need an experienced Oak Lawn traffic attorney on your side.