13 Apr What do Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders need to know?
Just like a traditional Driver’s License, it’s a privilege to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). There are special rules that regulate holders of CDLs. Receiving a ticket while driving a vehicle, even your personal vehicle that does not require a CDL, will affect your CDL license and your livelihood. The most popular trap that CDL holders fall into is when they plead guilty and receive a sentence of supervision, because they think this sentence will not affect their CDL license. This is not correct. A supervision sentence will affect your CDL. That petty speeding ticket for going 15 mph over the speed limit could suspend your CDL license. It is a “serious traffic offense” as defined by the Uniform Commercial Driver’s License Act. Do not plead guilty to that speeding ticket! Do not mail in that speeding ticket! Contact an experienced traffic attorney today!
There are qualifying disqualification offenses that CDL holders must stay away from including reckless driving, excessive speed, improper lane change, following too closely and Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
Regarding DUIs, if commercial driver’s license holders receive a statutory summary suspension, their CDL privileges will be disqualified for one year for a first offense and a lifetime disqualification applies for a second offense. If you are a CDL holder, you must hire an experienced DUI attorney. At the Office of Daniel Calandriello, we have expansive litigation experience and contacts with expert witnesses in the field of DUI detection who we can hire to help defend your case. We litigate!
Do not do this alone and hope for the best. You need an experienced attorney to protect your ability to make a living. We can do that. Contact us today!